Thursday 5 May 2011

Final Post... :(

Hey people,

I am officially quitting Club Penguin. I am so sorry. I'm justr getting too old for it, and I am also quitting this site.

Thankyou all for visiting.

Please visit the 'Credits' page and I thank all who I included on it.

So, here is the deleio. You may post your pictures into the comments!



Sunday 24 April 2011


Hey Penguins!

I've just realised- it's been over 2 months since I first made this blog!

So to celebrate, starting today and ending in a week...

It's clock madness week!

All widgets on the sidebar and all posts will have clocks! (PST)

Prepare for madness!!

Wednesday 20 April 2011



Please laugh at them! You know you want to!

Oh, and please, please comment and say what you think!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Scrapping Pageveiws

The pageveiw counter is coming down. I've decided it's usless, so it's going. It counts every time I look at my site, so it's annoying.

Official Launch Soon!

The new pictures will be arriving soon...!

The official launch date is... 20th of April!

There should be loads of pictures incoming! Prepare to laugh!

Here is a sneak peek to one of the pictures:

Lots to come soon!!

Sunday 10 April 2011


Thankyou so much guys and gals!


Thanks to all who have visited so keep coming!

Oh, and by the way... more pictures arriving soon!